b"SlimLineTraumaPack(JBCSLT03)PartNumber:1043The SlimLine Trauma Pack is a lowprole and lightweight pack that is highly versale, making it ideal for meeng the mission and loadout requirements of any enduser. With a focus on funconality, every feature of this pack is designed to provide easy access to crical medical equipment when it's needed most.The pack incorporates FirstSpears innovave 6/12 technology, making it compable with MOLLE systems.The pack features a bungee panel that can be used to secure oddshaped or mulplesized items. This panel is also designed to hold equipment that can be quickly removed and handed to assisng personnel when treang mulple casuales. A large zippered pocket is accessible from both inside and outside the pack, making it easy to store and retrieve essenal supplies quickly.Inside the pack, three internal pouches are packed withcricalcareitemsthatcanalsobeeasilyremovedandhandedtoassisng personnelwhennecessary.Thepackisequippedwithacarryhandleforeasy transport and concealed shoulder straps that can be tucked out ofthewaywhennotneeded.Craedfromhighquality materials, this pack is built to last and can withstand the rigors of any mission. Whether operang in a highrisk environment or responding to emergency situaons, the SlimLine Trauma Pack is an essenal tool for any rst responder or military personnel requiring quick and easy access to medical supplies.Capabilies: Bleeding and Hemorrhage Control Basic Wound Management Basic and Intermediate REMOVABLEPOUCHESANDPANELAirway Recovery Burn Care IV Administraon Vital Signs Assessment 4"