b'We oer TAA and Berry Amendment Compliant versions of the kits and assemblies depicted in this catalog. OURCATALOGThis catalog showcases a selecon of kits and assemblies developed by JBC Corp in collaboraon with endusers over the years. Since our incepon in 2006, we have developed over 400 customized kits and assemblies to meet the unique needs of our customers. Many of these productshavebecomestandardequipmentfortheunitsand organizaons they were developed for.When browsing this catalog, consider it a source of inspiraon for developing a kit or assembly that meets your specic needs. Our experienced team can work with you to design a custom soluon that ts your requirements and budget. Wearecommiedtoprovidinghighqualityproductsthatexceed your expectaons and help you achieve your mission objecves.'